Please take a moment to look at their blog, and help Avery spread the word about SMA. Share this with everyone you know. While it won't save her in this lifetime, she's hoping that her story will bring awareness to the genetic disorder so that we CAN find a cure and eventually save other children who are born with SMA. Here's the link to her blog:
Avery Can
Avery and her parents have compiled a very extensive "Bucket List" of things she wants to accomplish in her short life. Her parents are nothing short of extraordinary and I admire their strength and courage during this difficult time. Their approach to making sure Avery lives the most rewarding life possible is simply amazing! They have inspired me in numerous ways, but perhaps most importantly, they are spreading the message of not taking life for granted. Today I was watching videos on their blog that brought me to tears -- tears of happiness for the joy that they are currently experiencing with their daughter, and tears of sadness for the inevitable pain they will face all too soon. If nothing else, they can surely inspire us all to live every day like it's our last.
In honor of Avery, I am putting together a list of the things I am MOST grateful for in my life. I could go on forever about things I am thankful for, but this list is specifically things that I cannot live without. After this I am going to make sure I spend every day SHOWING my gratitude for these beautiful blessings in my life, and above all else, I am devoting myself to making sure that Briggs laughs everyday, plays like there's no tomorrow, and is smothered by hugs and kisses because he is so unbelievably loved.
ALSO In honor of Avery, Briggs and I danced around the living room like maniacs today! IT WAS A BLAST! We will definitely be doing that more often. I hope that Briggs can meet sweet Avery one of these days. She lives in mommy might have to figure out a way to make that happen :)
Things I am forever grateful for:
- My loving Husband
- My BEAUTIFUL, cheerful, playful, giggly, cuddly, smiley, talkative, healthy BABY BOY
- The ability to undergo Infertility Treatments to achieve my dreams of having children
- My dedicated parents who selflessly sacrificed many things in life to give their 4 children everything they ever wanted and needed
- My 3 brothers who beat me up and picked on me all my life
- All of our loving family - Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, etc.
- The best Grandparents Briggs could every ask for
- A job that allows me to live the most fulfilling life possible
- Friends who I have fun with no matter what we're doing
- Baby smiles
- Baby laughs
- Stinky dog kisses
- Sunshine
- Sweating
- My cozy home
- Music for dancing
- Clean drinking water and fresh air
- The ability to run
- Naps with my baby
- Briggs' smile
- Eskimo kisses
- Dancing around like a maniac with Briggs in my arms
- June 13, 2009 - My wedding day
- June 5, 2011 - The day Briggs was born
Hug your babies, kiss your spouses, and tell your family you love them :) And send all of your extra thoughts and prayers to Avery and her amazing parents. They deserve it.
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